
Le Pawsh welcomes all dogs from all walks of life. Our dedication to health and safety means you, pet parent and client, can rest assured that your companion will be cared for as if they were ours. We empathize that you are departing from your dog, but this hiatus will be short, and you will be reunited before you know it. For us to offer the absolute best of our abilities and for our salon to run efficiently, we have composed these consent and liability guidelines that must be agreed to and signed off by all pet parents.

The Le Pawsh team will actively enforce everything below.

  1.  Responsibility of Clients

    a. The client is responsible for knowing their scheduled appointment, regardless of whether appointment reminders are received. It is understood that all reminders are automated through the salon’s booking system, sent to the primary number and/or email on file, cannot be used for salon communication, and can be unsubscribed by the client.

    b. The client is responsible for updating and maintaining any pertinent contact information with Le Pawsh, including phone numbers, emails, and alternate contacts.

    c. Each client is responsible for divulging any information or conditions their pet may have that could hinder or interrupt service or pose a threat to anyone. This includes, but is not limited to, pets in heat, recent surgeries, recent injuries, bite history, etc. Le Pawsh reserves the discretion to decide whether your pet’s service may commence. We encourage anyone unsure to reach out via phone or our website for clarification and guidance.

  2. Punctuality, Cancellations, and No-Shows.

    a. On-time is defined as being in our salon with your pet at the time of your scheduled appointment and up to 15 minutes beyond. Neither Le Pawsh nor its associates are responsible for getting your pet inside. If you are late or unable to do so, you may be considered late, a cancellation, or a no-show and will be subject to the appropriate fees.

    b. A no-show refers to a client who fails to attend their appointment and does not notify our team about their absence in advance. No-shows are subject to a no-show fee totaling 100% of the estimated service cost. If you are running late, please call and notify us. It is entirely up to the discretion of our team whether your pet can still be serviced beyond the 15-minute grace period. If our team accepts your pet beyond the 15-minute grace period, you may be charged a late fee, which is variable based on the extent of your lateness and will be charged during pick-up.

    c. Cancellations and reschedules must be handled through Vagaro or by phone call up to 24 hours before the appointment. Email, text, and form submissions through our website are not valid forms of canceling or rescheduling unless authorized by our team. Any cancellations or reschedules made within 24 hours of the appointment may be subject to a cancellation fee. If you need to cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment, you will be unable to do so through Vagaro and will need to call and speak with our team to do so. Refusal of service during or after check-in will also be considered a cancellation. Cancellation fees are 50% of the estimated service cost.

    d. Clients who cancel their appointment within the 24-hour window more than twice a calendar year may lose their privilege of further booking with Le Pawsh.

  3. Credit Card Hold

    All clients are required to put a credit card on file to hold their appointment. This credit card will only be charged if a no-show or cancellation occurs within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time. All cards must be credit, not debit, and updated in our system once they expire. In the event of an expired card or inability to charge the card on file due to a cancellation or no-show, clients must pay the balance via invoice or at their next service and will be required to update the card.

  4. Pet Pick-Up

    a. The schedules at Le Pawsh are structured to allow ample time with each pet; however, grooming is an art performed on live animals and can be unpredictable. The state of pets arriving in our care ranges from perfectly kept up at home to matted and flea-infested, which may challenge our schedule. Moreover, temperaments, stress, and the intricacies of specifically requested haircuts may also set our schedule back. Service time can also vary based on who your pet is booked with.

    b. Le Pawsh does not offer daycare or boarding services, and due to our limited space, clients are expected to pick up their pets when notified. Clients will be sent a text message informing them of their pet’s expected pick-up time 30 minutes before the completion of service. Clients are expected to pick up their pet at the time we notify them of or within 30 minutes beyond that. Unless otherwise arranged and approved by our team, pick-ups that are an hour beyond receiving our notification will be considered a late pick-up and may incur a late pick-up fee.

    c. If applicable, our team will notify clients if booked into the last appointment slot of the day on any of our team members' respective schedules of the latest pick-up time. Clients are expected to pick up at the time informed of or risk being charged an ‘after-closing fee’ of $1 for every minute after closing. Hours can be found here.

  5. Pricing & Payments

    a. We are entirely transparent with our prices and practices for your convenience and trust. All clients who book an appointment are expected to be aware of and up to date with the estimated and associated costs. Factors that can affect the final price are your pet’s breed, size, coat type, coat condition, temperament, and skill for the requested haircut. Any additional fees (e.g., extra brushing charges, matting charges, late fees, etc.) may not be calculated at the time of drop-off and will be added to the total price during pick-up. All ‘Additions’ will be discussed during drop-off and added to the overall cost. Services can be found here.

    b. Accurate service price estimates can only be made after an in-person assessment and consultation with your pet present. All estimates given before an in-person assessment are void once the assessment and consultation are completed.

    c. Clients must pay at the time of pick-up unless otherwise discussed and approved by our team. We accept all major credit cards and cash. We do not accept checks or app payments.

  6. Owners Present During Service

    Owners are not allowed beyond reception. Owner presence can lead to distraction and excitement by your or other pets, which may result in injury.  

  7. Senior Pets

    Senior pets, or pets at or above the age of 10, require extra care, which our team is trained to handle. Due to our gentle approach, we will only progress your pet’s service if we feel it is safe and, if deemed necessary, will terminate our services prematurely. It is understood that senior pets are more prone to dryer seizures, fatigue, and stress. It is understood that a grooming service can potentially worsen, exacerbate, or uncover hidden medical issues, all of which Le Pawsh will not be held responsible for.

  8. Matting Removal, Shaving & Overall Condition

    a. It is understood that matting occurs when a pet’s longer coat is improperly cared for. Not only is it uncomfortable for your pet, but it also disrupts or cuts off blood circulation, can create scabbing, and may require spot shaving. In more severe cases, your pet may need to be shaved entirely to address the matting throughout. Due to the obstruction matting presents, we may be unable to see underneath when shaving, resulting in nicks and the pulling and removal of scabs, moles, and skin tags. Furthermore, the release of the skin and blood flow may uncover irritation, hematomas, itching, and redness post-grooming service. It is understood that this is not our doing but rather a result of what caused it in the first place.

    b. Le Pawsh is not liable for any injury that may occur during the matting removal process, nor will we be held liable for the condition of your pet’s skin after the matting is removed. Matting and extra brushing fees may be added to the overall service cost and must be paid during pick-up.

    c. Clients who book our ‘Bath & Brush’ or ‘Bath & Tidy’ and arrive with a pet with matting present (requiring a hair-cutting service) may receive or be rescheduled for a ‘Bath & Haircut’ service based on severity and determined by our team.

    d. A complete refusal of service due to an unwillingness to allow our team to address the matting deemed necessary by our team will be considered a cancellation, and all associated costs will accrue.

    e. Pets who come into our care with fleas present will automatically receive our flea treatment and will be charged accordingly. Pets who come into our care with skin infections or severe skin irritation will automatically receive our therapy treatment and be charged accordingly.

    f. Ear plucking is an optional service offered at Le Pawsh. Our ear plucking service does not cause infection; however, it can increase the likelihood of infection due to the hair removal. Clients are solely responsible for the aftercare associated with this service and will not hold Le Pawsh liable for any irritation in the ears post-service.

  9. Hair Dye & Creative Color Services

    a. Though Le Pawsh uses pet-safe color products, there is a risk of skin irritation and reaction. Some reactions may not be visible or apparent while your pet is in our care, but if any reaction appears, we will terminate color services immediately and rinse your pet. If your pet has sensitive skin, we advise against color services.

    b. Creative grooming and color application are art forms that may turn out differently than envisioned. Clients understand that artistic interpretation will determine the outcome. Pet coat, temperament, and time commitments must be considered when deciding the intricacies of a requested design.

    c. Extensive color services must be discussed with our team due to scheduling commitment and product availability. This can be done via phone or form submission through our website.

  10. Pre-Existing Conditions, Accidents, Injuries, & Emergencies

    a. Le Pawsh is not liable for any pre-existing injuries or conditions, diagnosed or undiagnosed, which may become aggravated, exacerbated, or discovered under our care. This includes, but is not limited to, bone injuries, self-inflicted injuries (crated or otherwise), the state of your pet’s skin once de-matted, etc. Our processes always place your pet’s health and safety at the forefront, and we will notify you of any complications or issues if discovered.

    b. The standard protocol at Le Pawsh is to clip and grind nails as short as possible without exposing the quick. Due to your pet’s potential erratic behaviors and nail coloring, it is understood that this service has the inherent risk of exposing them.

    c. Grooming can be stressful for some pets, potentially resulting in unpredictable behaviors. Our team undergoes extensive training, including pet CPR, to be ready to react appropriately. Any pet that sustains an injury or presents a symptom that our team determines requires veterinary care will have service ended immediately.

    d. In the event of an emergency, you, the client, authorize Le Pawsh to seek immediate veterinary care for your pet, potentially at your own expense, at Beacon Veterinary Specialists, a 24-hour emergency vet located at 1618 Washington Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94539. (Found in the back of the Ohlone Village Center). It is understood that all attempts will be made to contact you in the event of an emergency.

  11. Right to Refuse Service

    a. Though we are passionate about offering our services to your pup, certain behaviors are not permitted in our care. These include, but are not limited to, aggression toward our team or other pets, frequent potty accidents due to improper home guidance, and freakouts that can injure your pet or others. Furthermore, your pet is expected to remain under your control during drop-off and pick-up. Le Pawsh will not tolerate jumping on its employees, other clients, or Le Pawsh property.

    b. All shampoos and conditioners used at Le Pawsh are gentle and range from clarifying to therapeutic treatments. Clients are not permitted to bring their shampoos and conditioners unless prescribed by a veterinarian.

    c. Medicated shampoos and sprays are known to dry out the skin and coat, weigh down the coat, and potentially cause other issues within the body. We recommend that everyone try our treatments and approach before requesting that we use a medicated shampoo on their pet. Le Pawsh will not be held responsible for any dryness or haircut outcome caused by using your pet’s medicated shampoo.

    d. Pets with stitches must wait for stitches to be removed before receiving any appointment service. Pets arriving with stitches will be denied service, and clients will be charged a no-show fee. Clients who withhold this information may have their appointment terminated mid-service and, if so, will be required to pay the full amount of the service.

  12. Media Release

    Clients authorize Le Pawsh to take photographs and video content of their pet(s) for social media, website, advertising, and any other business-related matters deemed appropriate by Le Pawsh.

  13. Current Vaccinations

    Clients attest that their pet(s) are current on and will remain compliant with core vaccinations: Rabies and DAPP/DHPP.


Updated for 2025

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