Newsletter - 11/28/2023

Extra Precautions We Are Taking

As many people know there is a mystery respiratory illness going around in dogs across the United States. These things happen sometimes in dog populations, but dog owners need to stay vigilant. Just remember to stay alert, not scared! It’s also important as a business owner that we share what precautions we take with our clients so you can feel at ease. We ALWAYS clean and sanitize our space daily and in between dogs - this includes our tubs, tables, crates, floors, all tools, etc. This is a never-changing fact that you can rest assured your pup is ALWAYS in a safe environment.

We are now taking EXTRA precautions which I will list here. We had water bowls that we have since taken away - we’ve always cleaned them daily but we are unable to clean them in between each dog drinking from them, so unfortunately they had to be removed. We also had a couple of toys out that were washed regularly that we have taken away. We encourage a mostly “crate-free “ environment. Apart from very small dogs, senior dogs, puppies, dogs that just don’t like interacting with others, etc., we would let dogs in our grooming area walk around while waiting for pick up. We, unfortunately, are limiting the free roaming to 0 for the time being.

There is no reason to change anything about your routine with your dog - walking, grooming, vet visits, etc. The only thing I’d avoid for the time being are dog parks. If your dog is sick, of course please reschedule online or if you’re in the 24-hour window please contact us to reschedule for you.

  • Signs/ Symptoms to look out for in your pups:

  • Cough

  • Sneeze

  • Discharge from nose/eyes

  • Fever

  • Lethargy

  • Loss of Appetite


Newsletter - 12/02/2023


Peace of Mind