Newsletter - 12/02/2023

Recurring Client Discount + How Often Should You Be Grooming Your Dog?

Happy Monday!

I get SO many questions about how often clients should be bathing, cutting their dog’s hair, doing their nails, etc. I’ve linked my blog post below that goes over EVERYTHING you need to know about the subject. The main takeaway is that your dog should be getting a bath ONCE A MONTH (at least)! This blog post goes into the why and also talks about nails, ears, and teeth, so please read below :)

This does not mean you need to be getting a “Bath & Full Haircut” once a month. My recommended schedule is a rotation of a “Bath & Tidy” or a “Bath & Brush” and then 3-4 weeks later a “Bath & Full Haircut” and then 3-4 weeks later a “Bath & Tidy” or a “Bath & Brush” and so on. This ensures your dog is getting their skin/coat taken care of and nails and ears done once a month. Being on a consistent schedule also has other benefits. We typically see much less matting and better behavior in general with our clients on a once-a-month schedule. This is a win for you as an owner, a win for your dog, and a win for us!

For this reason, anyone who is already or wants to be on our ideal schedule will receive a RECURRING CLIENT DISCOUNT!

Clients that would like to be on an every 4 week or less recurring schedule will receive 10% off their “in-between haircut” services - which are our “Bath & Brush” or “Bath & Tidy” services. Ask us about getting you set up for this at your next visit!

Lastly, we have been making some changes to our booking software Vagaro. Booking software is not changing, and prices are not changing, but we are trying to make your booking experience a little more seamless, as well as adding add-on services you have the option of adding to your appointment.

Please make use of either rebooking your appointment in the salon and/or using our booking software to make your appointments online. We recommend downloading the Vagaro app, as it’s super user-friendly. You can create, reschedule, or cancel appointments online. If you are within our cancellation window of 24 hours then please give us a call to cancel/reschedule. This being said, with our changes mentioned above if you have any issues when booking/rescheduling online please don’t hesitate to reach out!


How Often to Groom Your Dog


Newsletter - 11/28/2023